Using AI to catch up after a year without AI

Some ways I used AI to help ease my transition back to work after a long maternity leave, along with some thoughts on how far AI has come in 2024.

My Career Move From Developer Relations to Software Engineering

Three years after making the switch from a developer relations role to software engineering, I'm reflecting on the move and what I like about each of these roles.

The Exclusive Pumping Club

A story about how wrong I was when I thought 'breastfeeding: how hard could it be?'

I'm restarting my blog!

After an unintentional four year blogging hiatus, I'm restarting my blog. Will this last 1 week? 1 month? 1 year? Only time will tell.

Writing a technical book: from idea to print

Ever wanted to know what it's like to write a technical book? This post details my experience co-authoring an O'Reilly book with my colleagues Lak and Mike. Our book, Machine Learning Design Patterns, is available to order now and all royalties go to Girls Who Code.

How I made a credit card cake

I made a cake that looks like a credit card for a machine learning demo. You'll have to read to learn more.

Getting ML model predictions with Cloud Run

Learn how to call your AutoML models — or really any model — from a container using Cloud Run. In this post you'll learn how to containerize your model prediction code, and use it to scalably serve your ML model.

I can definitely (not) do this: reflections on imposter syndrome

Progress, it turned out, was a constant battle. Two steps forward followed by one lingering thought that you didn’t deserve to take those steps in the first place. But maybe the progress and doubt didn’t have to be opposing forces. Maybe they could coexist. And maybe, they could even help each other.

Baking with machine learning

Like many people, I’ve been entertaining myself at home by baking a ton. I’ve gotten pretty good at following recipes, but I decided I wanted to take things one step further and understand the science behind what differentiates a cake from a bread or a cookie. I also like machine learning so I thought: what if I could combine it with baking??!

When love is sitting four rows behind you

“You are the coolest person I've ever met on a plane,” he messaged me immediately after I sat down. “There's an empty row behind me. Come say hi!”